A fissure is the medical term for a cracklike sore. Fistula abnormal passage, usually between two internal organs leading from an organ to the surface of the body 40. Med term ch 1 health science 356 with mary at southern. Medical terminology midterm medical terminology chapter. Medical terminology, chapter 2 medical terms flashcards. These hemorrhages sometimes result from high fevers. For example the acronym laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emissions of radiation. The term describes weakness or wearing away of body tissues and structures. It can be treated with a dental sealant to decrease risk of caries. The medical term meaning inflammation of the tonsils is tonsilitis. What is the medical term meaning a slit or groove answers. A cracklike sore or groove in the skin or mucous membrane is known as a.
Medical terminology for health professions part 1 flashcards by. This term also describes normal folds in the contours of the brain. Fissure and fistula a fissure is a groove or crack like sore of the skin. Also describes normal folds in the contours of the brain. Chapter 1 vocabulary hit111 basic medical terminology. What is the medical term meaning groove or cracklike sore of the skin. These lists contain over 300 adjectives to describe skin color, tone, complexion, and texture.
A pressure ulcer is also known as a decubitus ulcer or pressure sore. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Asked in inventions, word and phrase origins, definitions. A fisure of the skin is a groove or cracklike sore of the skin problem 44le. Pathology of the integumentary system lesions through the skin, laceration. A fissure is the medical term for a crack like sore.
Asked in health, conditions and diseases, ipod touch, stomach. A crack like sore or groove in the skin or mucous membrane cellulitis a diffuse, acute infection of the skin and subcutaneoua tissue, characterized by localized heat, deep redness, pain, and swelling. The origin of the term booting comes from the american english language. Medical terminology level 3 chapter 1 75 cards created by ashleyrushea last updated. Jun 22, 20 a fissure is the medical term for a crack like sore. Medical terminologies used in clinical settings ppt. A desease named for the person who discovered it is known as an.
An inflammation, sore, or ulcer in the skin over a bony prominence of the body is called a. Study chapter 12 skin the integumentary system medical terms flashcards from languages s class online, or in brainscapes iphone or android app. This term also describes the normal folds in the contours of the brain. Fistula fistyoulah an abnormal passage, usually between two internal organs, or leading from an organ to the surface of the body.
Which term describes the tissue layer directly below the epidermis. What is the medical term meaning groove or cracklike sore. A crack like sore or groove in the skin or mucous membrane is known as a. Review the study of diseases pain and suffering pain inflammation abnormal softening enlargement tissue death abnormal. Objective means the sign can be evaluated or measured by the patient or others. Skin, and accessory organs of hair, nails, and glands. Groove or cracklike sore of the skin also describes normal folds in the contours of the brain. Free radiology flashcards about medical terminology.
Which lesions are large tender swollen areas caused by staphylococcal. Dermatology is the medical term meaning study of skin conditions and their treatment. A cracklike sore in the skin of the anus is an anal fissure. What is the medical term meaning a groove or cracklike break in the skin. Which was not a result of the baby boom that followed world war ii answers apex. Sebaceous glands secrete fluids that cool the body. A fistula fischuhlah is an abnormal passage, usually between two internal organs or leading from an organ to the. Free unfinished flashcards about medical term chapter. A fisure of the skin is a groove or crack like sore of the skin. What is the medical term meaning a groove or cracklike break.
What is the medical term meaning groove or crack like sore of the skin. Medterm5 the integumentary system flashcards quizlet. Chapter 12 skin the integumentary system medical terms. The medical term for abnormally white skin color is leukoderma. Select the term that best describes any visible damage to the tissues of the skin. The medical term meaning the inflammation of a nerve or nerves is neuroitis.
The process of scraping material from the wall of a cavity or other surface for the purpose of removing abnormal tissue or unwanted material is known as. What is the medical term meaning a groove or crack like break in the skin. Fissure fishur groove or cracklike sore of the skin normal folds in the contours of the brain. Fissure and fistula a fissure fishur is a groove or cracklike sore of the skin see chapter 12.
Select the term that best identifies a cracklike groove in the skin or mucous membrane. Picking the perfect adjective saves words and makes writing leap off the page. This word dates back to 1880 and was intended to mean to eject or kick out. What is the origin of the term you crack me up answers. Chapter 1 notes hit111 basic medical terminology studocu. Fissure definition of fissure by medical dictionary. What is the medical term meaning a groove or cracklike. A crack like sore in the skin of the anus is an anal fissure. An abnormal passage, usually between two internal organs of leading from an organ to the surface of the body ileum. Correct answer possible answers syndrome gastralgia gastrosis pyoderma myorrhexis matching terms write the correct answer in the middle.
Small slit or crack like sore that extends into the dermal layer, could be. A fisure of the skin is a groove or cracklike sore of the skin. Some might be deemed cliche, but you can use them as a springboard. The medical term meaning suturing together the ends of a severed nerve is neurorraphy. Which term describes the condition that occurs for at least one year prior to the cessation of the menstrual cycle. Lets consider ivory, a hackneyed word for modifying skin. Chapter 1 allied health sciences 102 with shahbahrami. Chapter 8 the digestive system medical terms flashcards by. Medical terminology chapter 1 flashcards easy notecards. Apr 15, 2020 pressure sores also termed bedsores, pressure ulcers, decubitus ulcers, ulcers of heel, hip, tailbone, or midfoot is a term that describes an area that has unrelieved pressure over a defined area of the skin that is usually covers a bony prominence like the hip, sacrum, or heels, that results in local ischemia poor or inadequate blood flow.
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